Arts Foundation


[Public Information] Annual Work Report and Financial Statements for the 2021 Fiscal Year of the Jo Hsieh Arts Foundation

According to Article 25 of the Foundation Act:

Foundations are required to submit their annual work plans and budget within one month of the beginning of each year; and their previous year's work report and financial statements within five months of the end of the year, to be reviewed and approved by the board of directors and filed with the supervisory authority. If the work plan and budget involve high-risk countries or regions related to money laundering or terrorism financing, a risk assessment report must also be attached.

The following information must be actively disclosed by foundations:

  1. The two aforementioned documents, once filed with the supervisory authority, should be disclosed within one month. However, if disclosure of such information would compromise national security, diplomatic or military secrets, overall economic interests, or other significant public interests, and if agreed upon by the supervisory authority, such information may not be disclosed.

  2. A list of subsidies and donations received and a list of subsidies and donations paid in the previous year, including only the names or titles of donors and recipients, and the amounts of subsidies or donations. However, if the donor or recipient has expressed opposition in writing, or if disclosure would hinder or severely impact the foundation's operations, and if approved by the supervisory authority, such information may not be disclosed.

  3. Other information deemed necessary for public supervision, as designated by the supervisory authority, should be disclosed within the specified period.

In accordance with the regulations, to ensure public understanding of the Foundation's operations, we are actively disclosing the documents filed with the Ministry of Culture - Jo Hsieh Arts Foundation 110th Year Work Report and Financial Statement.

For details, please refer to the attached file for download.