


In accordance with Article 25 of the Foundation Act:

Foundations must submit their work plan and budget for the current year within one month after the start of the fiscal year, and their work report and financial statements for the previous year within five months after the end of the fiscal year. These documents must be approved by the board of directors and submitted to the competent authority for record-keeping. If the work plan and budget involve high-risk countries or regions related to money laundering or terrorism financing, a risk assessment report must also be included.

The following information must be proactively disclosed by the foundation:

  1. The information listed above, which has been recorded by the competent authority, must be made public within one month after the recording. However, if the disclosure of such information would harm national security, diplomatic and military secrets, overall economic interests, or other major public interests, and if approved by the competent authority, it may be exempt from disclosure.

  2. Lists of subsidies and donations received and payments made, including only the names or titles of the donors and recipients and the amounts of subsidies or donations. If the donors or recipients express written opposition to the disclosure, or if the disclosure would seriously affect the operation of the foundation and is approved by the competent authority, it may be exempt from disclosure.

  3. Other information deemed necessary for public oversight, as designated by the competent authority, must be disclosed within the specified timeframe.

To comply with these regulations and ensure transparency, the Jo Hsieh Cultural and Arts Foundation proactively discloses the documents recorded by the Ministry of Culture: the Work Plan and Budget for the 2024 Fiscal Year.

For details, please refer to the attached file.